With all of the bad going on in America this week, I'm finding it difficult to spot the good.
Bad: senseless bombings at the Boston Marathon, killing & hurting innocent bystanders
Good: strangers who aren't running away, but running to those who need help. an amazing national anthem at the Bruins game.
Good: strangers who aren't running away, but running to those who need help. an amazing national anthem at the Bruins game.
Bad: weather. blizzards, flooding & tornadoes throughout the midwest causing mudslides and sinkholes
Bad: explosion at a fertilizer plant in Texas
Good: names and photos of the Boston Marathon attack suspects being released
Bad: more attacks on innocent people. a MIT police officer killed. manhunt for suspect and possible accomplices and Boston on lockdown
Bad: more attacks on innocent people. a MIT police officer killed. manhunt for suspect and possible accomplices and Boston on lockdown
Perhaps I'm focusing so much on the bad that I'm blind to all that's good, but watching the news this week has been disheartening, sickening, disturbing..and causing me to simply wonder "why?"
Here are some photos that speak a lot for this week's events: