Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Have you ever been so $@#*%!$ frustrated and just plain burnt out that you're in a crappy mood (the dumps) and can't snap out of it?! Well, if I'm not there, I'm damn close.

It started last Monday with working until 6:15. PM. A nearly 12-hour day. And then Tuesday. I left work a little after 7. PM. A 12+ hour day. So much for doing anything once I got home! Then on Wednesday, my nephew and his mommy left for Florida. I haven't gone a week without seeing him yet, and tomorrow marks day #10. Friday was my half day and I was supposed to be work-free at 12:30 after a lunch at Newton's, but I had some things to finish up once I got home and didn't log off the computer until after 4:00. Some half day!

I had this great idea to move the bed from Jami's basement to my spare bedroom while she was in Florida, so I spent most of Friday evening going through boxes and boxes of garbage stuff. I was tossing almost everything I came across until I found some cards. Cards from my mom's baby shower when she was pregnant with me. The first thing I said was "where the hell did these come from?!" And then I opened this:

A card from who else but my great grandma Eunie. My angel. The one person who knows just what I need, when I need it the most. The one person who can make me remember who I am and what I stand for, even if she's in Heaven now.

Here's to starting February off right. To celebrate a month full of love, to take a much-needed weekend trip, to get things crossed off of my 'to-do' list, to sticking to my workouts and to focus on myself.

Oh, and to hopefully not get called for jury duty on Valentine's Day. ;)

Friday, January 20, 2012

One Year Anniversary

Today, January 20, 2012, marks my one year anniversary. Of? This blog. One year ago today, I wrote my first blog entry. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Putting my thoughts out there for the whole world, or a handful of people, to see.

One year ago...

...I was a full-time college student. Working towards my Bachelor's degree with just five short (or long) months until graduation. Pulling all-nighters, aka staying up past 2:00 AM during the week, to finish a paper. I was procrastinating. Surprise, surprise!

...I was living with my cousin Jami and in her belly, my nephew Taysen. I was planning my first baby shower for her, to be held exactly one month later.

...I was working two part-time jobs. I was generally an administrative assistant at John Deere PEC in the Drivetrain Engineering department. I was worried about finding a replacement for my position come May. I was planning the CoreTech Conference, a meeting with over 150 worldwide attendees, which would later turn out to be the most successful Core Technology Conference to date, with the highest attendance rate they've seen in years. I was a receptionist at a local insurance company, studying my butt off to take my personal lines insurance test over Spring Break.

...I was a daughter. A friend. A classmate. A sister. A niece. A co-worker. A cousin. A granddaughter.

Today, I am...

...a college graduate

...a payroll analyst

...a homeowner

...a daughter, a friend, an aunt, a niece, a sister, a co-worker, a cousin, a granddaughter


Thursday, January 5, 2012


Once again, I've disappeared from blog life. And I really don't have an excuse for it, except for the fact that I had a week off of work for Christmas shutdown. I tried sitting down a few times to work on something, but I realized I was doing a lot of complaining. Complaining about how I feel like I do so much and get so little in return. Complaining about student loans. Complaining about why my life isn't like so-and-so's. Complaining about why there aren't more hours in the day or days in a week. And who wants to read that?

I don't have a room in my house that I feel is complete enough to post a picture, so I apologize. I've searched Lowe's and Menards, I plan on going to Home Depot and Blain's and I've surfed Benjamin Moore and Sherwin Williams on the web to find paint colors for the kitchen and living room. Man, is that frustrating! I find one color I think I like, but it doesn't match my cupboards or it's too dark or what have you. I have decided I want grey on my long wall that runs from the kitchen to the living room... and I am NOT changing my mind on that one! I wanted orange in the kitchen, but I'm now considering other colors. I want something fun and bright and unexpected (since my favorite colors happen to be black, white and grey...and blue). I have also decided that I'm going to paint the smaller wall behind my TV. Only I want something that flows from whatever color I choose in the kitchen, but darker. I'll try and take a closer picture of the wall this weekend and post it.

Other than that, I got my dining room table set up over shutdown (thanks to the best Dad ever!) and my washer & dryer are being delivered tomorrow. That pretty much takes care of the "big" purchases. Now I'm focusing on the wall behind my couch, my bedroom, a few ideas from Pinterest, finding tall enough bar stools, figuring out my garage code, going through all the junk in the spare bedroom and basement and the list goes on...

P.S. Look for some more exciting posts soon..with pictures!