Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Have you ever been so $@#*%!$ frustrated and just plain burnt out that you're in a crappy mood (the dumps) and can't snap out of it?! Well, if I'm not there, I'm damn close.

It started last Monday with working until 6:15. PM. A nearly 12-hour day. And then Tuesday. I left work a little after 7. PM. A 12+ hour day. So much for doing anything once I got home! Then on Wednesday, my nephew and his mommy left for Florida. I haven't gone a week without seeing him yet, and tomorrow marks day #10. Friday was my half day and I was supposed to be work-free at 12:30 after a lunch at Newton's, but I had some things to finish up once I got home and didn't log off the computer until after 4:00. Some half day!

I had this great idea to move the bed from Jami's basement to my spare bedroom while she was in Florida, so I spent most of Friday evening going through boxes and boxes of garbage stuff. I was tossing almost everything I came across until I found some cards. Cards from my mom's baby shower when she was pregnant with me. The first thing I said was "where the hell did these come from?!" And then I opened this:

A card from who else but my great grandma Eunie. My angel. The one person who knows just what I need, when I need it the most. The one person who can make me remember who I am and what I stand for, even if she's in Heaven now.

Here's to starting February off right. To celebrate a month full of love, to take a much-needed weekend trip, to get things crossed off of my 'to-do' list, to sticking to my workouts and to focus on myself.

Oh, and to hopefully not get called for jury duty on Valentine's Day. ;)

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