Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Challenge

Happy M[ARCH MADNESS] month!

Today is March 1st. It's a little hard to believe how much has changed in the last 366 days. A new job, a [couple] new homes, a new nephew to spoil, new friends and a new outlook on life.

As hard as it is for me to accept that I've changed as a person, I'd like to think it's been more for the better [than for the worst]. Sure, there are times when I do something without thinking for even a split second..only to somewhat regret it hours, days or even months later. I know I make mistakes. I know I'm not perfect. I know I don't give 110% as often as I should. But that's what makes me, ME. I am my own person. A little too independent and stubborn at [most] times.

Watch for some pretty interesting posts this month. :)

Ps...if I can get five comments on this post [from five different readers] I'll post every other day in March! You have 48 hours...GO!


  1. If I comment then you will KNOW that I am lurking! -Big Al

  2. IS it to late to comment? I was out sick, so that should be a good enough excuse!

  3. I'll make a deal...I'll post twice a week!
