Pay it forward. Do something unexpected for a friend or a complete stranger. We’ve all heard stories about being at the grocery store and having a stranger pay for your things, being in a drive-thru and having someone pay for your food, anonymous notes/gifts left in your mailbox or on your door step.
How am I paying it forward? This blog post. How does that work? I am going to send a special gift to 3 people who comment first on my Pay It Forward post. Where did this come from? I recently read the Single Mama's Pay it Forward post and commented that I would love to continue to Pay It Forward.
The rules? Be one of the first 3 people to comment on this post. You need to have a blog and write a similar post to invite your readers to play along within 1 week of commenting on my post. It's that simple!
Please comment even if there are already 3 people, just in case someone can’t follow through. :)
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