So far, I'm not a big fan of November. I'm sick of being stuck at home. Sick of throwing up. Sick of not being hungry but wanting to eat everything I can't. Sick of being sick.
After missing two and a half days of work, my parents convinced me to go to the doctor. What's the point? I wanted to ask, I clearly have the flu...what are they going to tell me?
Well, after a two hour visit, a shot, a couple pokes, a prescription [and maybe a few tears] .. I'm back at home. Here's hoping I'm back on my feet soon, because I just might go crazy if I lay on this couch one more day.
Here's what I'm thankful for so far this month:
1- cell phone insurance. Due to my [horrible] luck with cell phones, see previous post. Seriously, at least 5 phones this year? #treachery
2- my Foundry supervisors.
3- past jobs: Happy Time Preschool and Daycare. I saw a grandparent of one of my Pre-K kids [at Target of all places]. Having a relationship with not only those kids but also their families is something I won't forget .. and this day proved they won't forget either. I'm beyond blessed to have shared in so many children's lives.
4- Starbucks. Red cups. Enough said.
5- my great Grandma Eunie's blanket.
6- [NOT] thankful for .. the FLU! But more than thankful for .. 1.a best friend/neighbor [Aimee] who brings me homemade soup, Gatorade and takes my temperature, even if she walks in the door covering her face. 2.a "brother-like" friend [Marky] who brings me Pedialyte popsicles [which are quite good I might add] and spends the night on the couch just in case I get sick again.
7- having the flu and therefore not voting in yesterday's election. I wasn't completely swayed either way, I'm not big on politics [I know, I know] and I wasn't about to wait in lines for over an hour. If I had voted, the outcome would be the same. I don't believe that one person, the President, runs our country on their own. Regardless of who was named our 44th President, Americans need to come together and support him. That's all I'm going to say, and don't worry, no more political posts or rants from me!