Monday, February 21, 2011

The Little Things in Life

What are they? Where do they come from? Are they really little? This begins a list of the little things in my life.

1. Kids. 

This group might be my favorite. Hands down, my favorite job was at Happy Time Preschool & Daycare where I was a teacher's assistant. In my three short years there, I got to know my co-workers, my "kids", and their families. I started in August 2006, just in time for the new school year. My first year was spent in the "Juniors" department every afternoon, where I worked with five amazing women. I cared for 40 little 3 & 4-year old's between the two classrooms. I was so lucky and got to move up to Pre-K with my new friends. The bond I created with these kids the first two years at HT is absolutely unforgettable and irreplaceable.

Pre-K Graduation; May 2008.
Zoo week. :)

The four of us were inseparable.

We spent our summer making s'mores, paper fires and napping in sleeping bags for Camping Week, reading books (our favorites were Is Your Mama a Llama? and The Pickle Book), going bowling, playing in the water for Swim Day, going on picnics at the park across the street (or right outside the cafeteria), praising God at Chapel and VBS, singing songs, dancing, taking hour-long cat naps, playing, and loving. There wasn't one day where I didn't get a hug from one of them.

I got to witness a lot of "firsts." Their first loose tooth, which soon became their first lost tooth. Their first time swinging on the playground, their first time tying their shoes, reading their first book, writing their first letters/numbers, and many more. I watched them and their siblings grow, talked to lots of pregnant mommies and got to meet precious little new ones.

Of the 44 kids I spent nearly every day with for two years, a few stayed in Pre-K to strengthen their knowledge and skills before going off to Kindergarten. What was I going to do without my 5-year old best friends? 

Make new ones.

Celebrating Dr. Seuss week!

There are times I wish I were 5 again. Where the biggest decision I had to make was who I was going to play with or if I wanted to color with crayons or markers. Playing outside for endless hours, grass-stains, muddy shoes, and dirty fingernails. Refusing to take naps and begging to stay up late. Having Mom pack my cold lunch. And fighting over the silliest things.

Growing up is tough. You go through so many transitions and stages throughout your life that makes you really appreciate what you've had (and who's been by your side.)

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