Monday, December 12, 2011


I have officially been a homeowner for ten days. This past weekend, I had my first breakdown, reality check, whatever you want to call it, as a homeowner. As I've previously mentioned, I'm horrible at making decisions. I change my mind a thousand and one times. Today I found out that my student loan payments are almost equal to my house payments. OUCH. That means they're higher than I was told. Surprise, surprise. While I figured I'd be paying $350/month just in loans, let's just add on another $100. Why the hell not, right? It's not like I don't have anything else to pay for. Yes, I've had some help from my parents, family and friends with housewarming gifts, groceries, etc., I'm not the spoiled little brat some people think I am.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my home. I LOVE my neighbors.. well, most of them. ;) But a tiny little part of me wishes that I would have thought this through a little more. Saved a little more money, maybe. Made different "big" purchases. I also need to realize that I'm not going to get everything I want. My basement won't be finished until at least next winter, if not later. My dining room table is a card table and chairs that my aunt and uncle had in their first home, 20-some years ago. Because you know what? Life goes on.

Here's a sneak-peek of my home...

I used my camera's 'panoramic' setting to get the kitchen/dining room/living room all in one shot. My kitchen looks a little funny, the garbage lid is open, I have too many pairs of shoes in the entryway, my counters are a disaster and my TV looks tiny but you get the idea. ;)

My computer is taking forever to upload photos so this is all you get for now. Hopefully this will motivate me to write some more this week...and of course add some more pictures! I will say, though, I have been on the computer significantly less than I thought I would be. I'm busy cleaning and picking up or finding a home for something packed away in my spare room. Who would have thought. :)

Happy Monday.  Have a great week!


  1. Love it! The flooring in the kitchen looks a lot like mine (easily hides dirt!). The kitchen table can easily look awesome with a cute tablecloth. I have to keep telling myself it doesnt need to all look perfect at once, it's hard, but keep telling yourself that!

  2. Thank you! Yes, I love the kitchen can't see a spec of dirt! I'm slowly starting to listen when I say I don't need something. It's about time, I never thought that feeling of wanting everything done and perfect was going to go away!
